North West Green MEP launches ‘radical transformation’ Green New Deal

Today in Manchester, Gina Dowding MEP, launched a brand-new report – The Green New Deal in the North West – which presents a framework of how we can fundamentally transform society in the face of the current climate emergency.

Joined by a range of expert guest speakers, including former Green Party leader and newly-appointed member of the House of Lords, Baroness Natalie Bennett, the report launch will give opportunities for roundtable discussions and a feedback session.

Five key areas have been identified, of critical change that is required:

  • Renewable energy supply
  • Energy-efficient buildings
  • Sustainable transport
  • Zero-carbon circular economy
  • Land use
  • Food and biodiversity

The report will outline key opportunities and examples of best practice from across the region, setting out some of the policies that are needed to scale-up action.

Baroness Natalie Bennett, the newly-elected Green Peer, said:

“As Greens, we know that we have to take power back from Westminster and allow local communities to make decisions about their futures. That’s one reason why this report is so crucial, setting out how the region can tackle the climate emergency, the collapse in our natural environment and the awful inequality and poverty that is blighting so many lives in the North West and around the UK.
“Business as usual is not an option. The idea of change is frightening to many, but this report outlines the way in which communities can through a just transition deliver a society that works for people and planet.”

Gina Dowding, Green MEP for the North West said ahead of the launch:

“We absolutely must lead from the front and face the many challenges that the climate crisis has presented us with. The next generation deserves us to urgently respond and react with solutions that include everyone, not just the privileged few. 
“The Green New Deal will do just that, helping us to move to a more sustainable, zero-carbon society, decarbonisation the economy while creating new jobs, improving health and wellbeing, whilst tackling inequality and redistributing wealth after years of austerity. 
“A radical transformation, where no community is left behind ever again.”
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