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- Manchester Greens push council to make more new buildings net zero carbonby Chris OgdenManchester Green Party councillors have today pushed Manchester City Council to apply higher standards to new developments to make more new buildings in the city net zero carbon. At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, Greens put forward a motion urging the council to adopt recommendations made by the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) to reduce… Read more: Manchester Greens push council to make more new buildings net zero carbon
- 2025/26 council budget ‘better’ but more funding needed, Manchester Greens sayby Chris OgdenManchester Green councillors have welcomed today’s council budget as ‘better’ than in recent years, while stressing that there is still an urgent need for more government investment.
- Manchester Green councillors condemn ‘hateful’ WhatsApp group scandalby Chris OgdenManchester Green Party councillors have condemned the ‘hateful’ language allegedly used by Labour MPs and councillors in the recent WhatsApp group scandal.
- Manchester Greens call for more social homes for Manchesterby Chris OgdenManchester Green Party councillors have urged Manchester City Council to build the homes Manchester needs by guaranteeing more social and sustainable housing.
- Greens convince Manchester to call to divest £1.7bn from fossil fuels and arms companiesby Chris OgdenGreens have successfully convinced Manchester City Council to urge the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) to divest over £1.7 billion from fossil fuels and arms companies.