Manchester Green Party Wed, 19 Mar 2025 12:19:45 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Manchester Green Party 32 32 Manchester Greens push council to make more new buildings net zero carbon Wed, 19 Mar 2025 12:19:44 +0000 Manchester Green Party councillors have today pushed Manchester City Council to apply higher standards to new developments to make more new buildings in the city net zero carbon. At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, Greens put forward a motion urging the council to adopt recommendations made by the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) to reduce […]

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Manchester Green Party councillors have today pushed Manchester City Council to apply higher standards to new developments to make more new buildings in the city net zero carbon.

At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, Greens put forward a motion urging the council to adopt recommendations made by the Manchester Climate Change Partnership (MCCP) to reduce the carbon footprint of new developments.

The motion, which was amended by Labour and passed by the council, committed it to ‘fully consider’ the recommendations made by the MCCP and incorporate them in the Manchester Local Plan, which guides new developments in Manchester.

Cllr Astrid Johnson, deputy leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council and proposer of the motion, said: “Buildings are responsible for around three-quarters of Manchester’s direct emissions, and yet we have already consumed a significant portion of our carbon budget. Emissions have exceeded expectations since 2018, and if this continues, we’ll use up our entire carbon budget within the next decade.

“The growth of new developments in Manchester brings undeniable benefits – housing, jobs, and regeneration. However, many developments are not meeting stringent sustainability standards, and our existing building stock urgently needs retrofitting. That is why we asked the council to adopt all the MCCP’s recommendations and ensure Manchester leads the way in building a sustainable, resilient, and zero-carbon future.”

The MCCP, supported by the Manchester Climate Change Agency, made policy recommendations to feed into the Manchester Local Plan in their recent Net Zero New Buildings report.

The report’s seven recommendations include adopting a retro-fit first approach to buildings wherever possible, ensuring that new builds are net-zero carbon in how they operate, and creating a local carbon offset fund to help achieve carbon neutrality.

These recommendations aim to help the council take a proactive and comprehensive approach to ensure that new buildings contribute to Manchester’s net-zero goals. The council will now consider bringing them into the Manchester Local Plan before it is discussed again at full council.

Cllr Rob Nunney, Green councillor for Woodhouse Park and seconder of the motion, said: “Manchester faces significant challenges in achieving its target of net-zero carbon by 2038. We must use every lever within our grasp to make up for lost time.

“By adopting the recommendations made by the MCCP, we will be encouraging the kind of growth which is a win-win. We’ll stimulate growth which will also help us achieve our climate goals. We’ll reduce fuel poverty by building warmer homes. 

“The Labour government is saying: ‘Get Britain building again’. We say: ‘Get Manchester building sustainably!’ Let’s show the rest of the country what’s possible.”

At today’s meeting, Greens supported motions to tackle crime and fly-tipping in Manchester’s communities, to improve the city’s 17 designated district centres, and take greater action on traffic offences like speeding and illegal e-bike modifications. 

Greens also backed a motion opposing the Labour government’s decision to cut the international aid budget to 0.3% of GDP, a motion which Labour amended and backed.

The council leader Bev Craig will now write to the government urging them to restore the UK’s international aid budget to 0.7% of GDP, as it was before the COVID-19 pandemic.

Cllr Johnson added: “The decision to slash the UK’s aid budget is not just an economic choice – above all it is a moral failure that will directly result in loss of life. At a time when global crises are deepening, from famine-stricken regions to warzones in Ukraine and Gaza, cutting funding for humanitarian assistance is an act of wilful neglect. 

“Investment in global stability is not just an ethical obligation. It prevents greater conflict, displacement, and suffering that will ultimately cost even more to address in the future. Cutting aid now is not just cruel – it is economically shortsighted.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Anastasia Wiest. The deputy leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Wiest and Johnson can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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2025/26 council budget ‘better’ but more funding needed, Manchester Greens say Fri, 28 Feb 2025 11:00:00 +0000 Manchester Green councillors have welcomed today’s council budget as ‘better’ than in recent years, while stressing that there is still an urgent need for more government investment.

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Manchester Green councillors have cautiously welcomed today’s council budget as ‘better’ than in recent years, while stressing that there is still an urgent need for more government investment.

At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, councillors approved the council’s budget for the coming 2025/26 financial year, which includes a 4.99 per cent council tax rise.

Abstaining on the budget put forward by Labour, Manchester’s Green councillors have emphasised that Manchester City Council and local authorities like it across the country will not fully address the challenges they face without further financial support.

Cllr Anastasia Wiest, leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council, said: “We can be grateful for a balanced budget again this year, and the fact that we have received a better settlement from the government than we have in years.

“However, it is still nowhere near what we need, and residents will have to bridge the gap through another 4.99 per cent council tax rise.

“Due to the government’s decision to increase employer National Insurance contributions, much of the increase in our budget will be absorbed by these payments. This will leave us with hardly any increase on previous years, when the Tories were in charge.”

At the meeting, Greens criticised the national Labour government for policies such as maintaining the Conservatives’ two-child benefit cap and removing winter benefits for pensioners, noting their direct impact on the city council’s budget.

While welcoming the £7 million the council expects to gain from extended producer responsibility fees, Greens expressed particular concern that Manchester will not hit its target of reaching net zero by 2038 without further government funding.

Instead of expanding airports and cutting foreign aid, they said, Labour should instead increase tax on the wealthiest, a measure which would affect a tiny minority of the population each year but contribute billions of pounds more to public finance.

Cllr Wiest added: “While Manchester will do what it can with the resources it has, the budget we have been given by the government reflects Labour’s lack of vision and ambition, giving with one hand and taking away with the other. 

“It reflects their tendency to ricochet between climate care and climate chaos, to let the rich off easy, and to put the heaviest burdens on those struggling most in society.

“A Green budget would create a country where wealth is distributed more equally, where every citizen can experience energy security from clean and renewable resources, and where our economy serves both people and our planet, rather than being an excuse for inaction and inequality.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Anastasia Wiest. The deputy leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Wiest and Johnson can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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Manchester Green councillors condemn ‘hateful’ WhatsApp group scandal Thu, 13 Feb 2025 19:59:37 +0000 Manchester Green Party councillors have condemned the ‘hateful’ language allegedly used by Labour MPs and councillors in the recent WhatsApp group scandal.

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Manchester Green Party councillors have condemned the ‘hateful’ language allegedly used by Labour MPs and councillors in the recent WhatsApp group scandal.

The city’s three Green councillors have issued a joint statement calling for higher standards from politicians in the wake of the ‘Trigger Me Timbers’ scandal, which has led to two MPs and 12 Greater Manchester councillors being suspended from the Labour Party at the time of writing.

The councillors issuing the statement are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney.

The statement reads as follows:

“We strongly condemn the hateful language allegedly used by certain Labour MPs and councillors in the ‘Trigger Me Timbers’ WhatsApp group, which has no place at all in politics. We welcome a thorough investigation into what took place in the group.

“We understand that Greater Manchester Police have recorded a ‘non-crime hate incident’ as part of their initial enquiries into the WhatsApp group. It is shocking that elected politicians would be involved in a hate incident, which has shown their contempt for members of the public.

“As elected politicians, we are privileged to represent our communities, and it is our duty to treat all of our residents with respect, regardless of whether they voted for us or not. This grubby affair has shown that certain Labour MPs and councillors apparently take their residents for granted and hold them in contempt.

“Residents across Manchester rightly expect better from their politicians than this, and they can rest assured that we do our utmost to live up to those expectations as Green Party councillors. We urge all our colleagues across the political spectrum in Manchester to do the same.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Anastasia Wiest. The deputy leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Wiest and Johnson can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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Manchester Greens call for more social homes for Manchester Wed, 05 Feb 2025 12:08:32 +0000 Manchester Green Party councillors have urged Manchester City Council to build the homes Manchester needs by guaranteeing more social and sustainable housing.

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Manchester Green Party councillors have urged Manchester City Council to build the homes Manchester needs by guaranteeing more social and sustainable housing.

At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, Greens proposed an amendment to a Labour motion which called for the city to ‘remain at the forefront of social and affordable housing delivery’.

The amendment, rejected by Labour, called on the council to make 30% of new homes built in developments over 10 units available to residents on social rent, that this be enforced by section 106 obligations, and to ensure that all new developments are climate- and nature-friendly.

These recommendations have previously been made by Social Homes for Manchester, a community coalition which aims to increase the number of social homes created in Manchester by 2030 in an environmentally sustainable way.

Cllr Anastasia Wiest, leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council and proposer of the amendment, said: “Social Homes for Manchester is a genuinely place-based and community-led effort. As councillors, it is our responsibility to be listening to them, taking their advice on board and putting it into action.

“Labour’s motion referred to ‘social and affordable homes’ but we know that these terms are not interchangeable. “Affordable” homes are still not affordable to many, as they can cost up to 80% of local market rent. We need more social homes.”

Rented housing is considered ‘affordable’ if it costs no more than 80% of local market rent. Social rent, meanwhile, is often set at around 50% to 60% of local market rent.

31 Manchester councillors previously pledged their support for Social Homes for Manchester’s campaign, including the Executive Member for Housing and Development, Cllr Gavin White.

While the Greens’ amendment was lost, they supported Labour’s motion and will now hold the Labour council and government to account on their promises to build more social and affordable homes.

“Of course, we supported Labour’s motion as we do need to see more social and affordable housing,” Cllr Wiest added. “What we were doing was adding tangible targets to make it a stronger motion.

“What good is Labour’s word if many of their councillors pledged to support these targets, but wouldn’t take action to bring them about?”

At today’s council meeting, Greens also backed Labour and Lib Dem calls to bring assets into community ownership and work with agencies and contractors to help communities recover from the recent River Mersey floods.


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Anastasia Wiest. The deputy leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Wiest and Johnson can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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Greens convince Manchester to call to divest £1.7bn from fossil fuels and arms companies Wed, 27 Nov 2024 11:25:07 +0000 Greens have successfully convinced Manchester City Council to urge the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) to divest over £1.7 billion from fossil fuels and arms companies.

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Image: Manchester’s Green councillors with supporters outside Manchester Town Hall before today’s council meeting.

Greens have successfully convinced Manchester City Council to urge the Greater Manchester Pension Fund (GMPF) to divest over £1.7 billion from fossil fuels and arms companies.

At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, a motion proposed by Greens calling for divestment was unanimously passed with Labour and Liberal Democrat support.

The motion means the council will now call on the fund to uphold its previous commitment to divest from fossil fuels and match Manchester’s goal of reaching net zero by 2038 – 12 years ahead of the fund’s current target. 

The council will also ask for a new commitment from GMPF to divest the millions it invests in companies involved in arms production.

Cllr Astrid Johnson, deputy leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council and proposer of the motion, said: “The GMPF has £1.5bn invested in fossil fuel companies, and over £241 million in companies that indirectly profit from arms sales.

“There are inextricable links between war, climate destruction and human suffering. We simply cannot stay invested in climate-damaging infrastructure such as airport expansions, fossil fuel companies’ greenwashing schemes, and arms sales directly connected to the ongoing genocide in Gaza and other conflicts across the world.

“Now is the right time for our council to ask that the GMPF aligns with Manchester’s net-zero carbon emissions target of 2038. And it is time to end our investment in the arms trade. 

“The world is a dark place at the moment. But today it just got a bit lighter.”

Approximately 6% of the GMPF fund (equating to £1.5 billion) is invested in the fossil fuel industry. Companies the GMPF is invested in include Shell, BP, TotalEnergies, Glencore, Legal and General, and others.

The GMPF also invests over £241 million in companies such as BAE Systems, Boeing and Caterpillar, which indirectly profit from arms sales to states involved in conflicts in the likes of Palestine, Lebanon, the Congo, Sudan, Ukraine and Yemen.

The Greens successfully argued that these investments not only pose ethical risks, but they also risk losing financial viability as countries make greater efforts to reduce their carbon emissions.

Cllr Anastasia Wiest, leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council, and seconder of the motion, said: “Continuing to invest in fossil fuels will leave us with stranded assets when the rest of the world is moving on.

“Not removing our finances from these industries will be a failure in our duty to protect people’s pensions.”

The Green Party’s call comes not long after the Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced her plans to merge local government pension schemes like the GMPF into so-called ‘mega-funds’.

This month, Reeves confirmed the government’s plans to combine assets in England and Wales’ 86 different local government pension schemes into eight funds by 2030. 

The details will be outlined in a pensions bill next year which the government has said will lead to ‘the biggest pension reforms in decades’.

Cllr Johnson added: “If we carry out these divestments now, then we can ensure that Greater Manchester’s contribution to Labour’s planned ‘mega-funds’ is clean.

“The Chancellor must swiftly detail her plans for these ‘mega-funds’, ensuring they drive the urgent transition from fossil fuels and arms production while offering members robust financial, environmental, and ethical protections.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Anastasia Wiest. The deputy leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Anastasia Wiest, Cllr Astrid Johnson, and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Johnson and Wiest can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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Manchester Greens urge Labour to U-turn on winter fuel payment cuts Wed, 02 Oct 2024 12:00:00 +0000 Manchester Greens have urged Labour to U-turn on their decision to remove winter fuel payments for all but the very poorest pensioners.

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Manchester Greens have urged Labour to U-turn on their decision to remove winter fuel payments for all but the very poorest pensioners.

At today’s Manchester City Council meeting, the city’s Green councillors supported an opposition motion calling on the Labour government to reverse its planned scaleback of the payments, which Labour claims are no longer affordable.

The motion also urged the council to launch a ‘significant awareness campaign’ to maximise the take-up of pension credits. 

The motion was rejected by the council’s Labour administration after it passed its own motion to promote a dedicated ‘pensioner hardship fund’, which will allow pensioners to access an emergency cash payment if they need it. 

Cllr Astrid Johnson, leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council, said: “Labour’s blunt policy to withdraw winter fuel payments from all pensioners except for those on pension credits is not just wrong but reckless. 

“Even if our council manages to contact all those eligible for the credits, this will be a cold winter for those that are just above the pension credit threshold and those on low or modest incomes. The struggle of having to apply for various funding pots will put vulnerable people under further pressure, and the health impact of older people living in unheated homes will increase the pressure on the NHS. 

“Targeting some of the most vulnerable people in society to fix the supposed ‘black hole’ in the public finances is cruel and unnecessary. Taxing multi-millionaires and billionaires a little bit more would not only easily cover the cost of winter fuel payments for all pensioners, but also generate additional funds for much-needed investment in our health and social care services.”

At today’s council meeting, Greens also supported an opposition call on the UK government to suspend all arms export licenses to Israel.

The motion, proposed by independent councillor Amna Abdullatif, aimed to keep the pressure on achieving an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza, as the Israel–Hamas war is set to reach over a year in duration next week. It was passed as amended by Labour to call for a review of arms licenses to Israel rather than an outright ban.

The motion comes in the wake of escalating conflict in the Middle East, as Israel’s attacks on Hezbollah in Lebanon attracted retaliatory missile strikes from Iran.

Cllr Anastasia Wiest, deputy leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council, said: “For almost a year, Israel’s atrocities have been on public display. Our government has called for a ceasefire in Gaza and yet we are still sending Israel arms. Where are the deeds to back our calls?

“We cannot allow our weapons and components to be used to blindly exterminate people in Palestine and Lebanon. Our government must be on the right side of history and stand up for peace by ending UK arms sales to Israel and persuading other countries to follow suit.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party is an opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The leader of the Green group on the council is Cllr Astrid Johnson. The deputy leader is Cllr Anastasia Wiest.

The three Green councillors on the council are Cllr Astrid Johnson, Cllr Anastasia Wiest and Cllr Rob Nunney. All three represent the ward of Woodhouse Park.

Manchester City Council is formed of 87 Labour members, three Greens, four Liberal Democrats, one Worker’s Party member, and one independent.

Cllrs Johnson and Wiest can be available for interview upon request. 

For further information, please contact Chris Ogden at

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Manchester Greens launch Baguley by-election campaign Fri, 23 Aug 2024 20:12:10 +0000 Manchester Green Party has selected Thirza Amina Asanga-Rae as its candidate for the upcoming by-election in Baguley ward in Wythenshawe.

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Manchester Green Party has selected Thirza Amina Asanga-Rae as its candidate for the upcoming by-election in Baguley ward in Wythenshawe.

The by-election will take place on Thursday 5th September, having been called after one of the ward’s Labour councillors became the MP for Bolton West.

Thirza is a Nigeria-born UK national and a parent governor at a local primary school where she also set up the PTA. As a housing community organiser with GMTU, she has seen first hand the housing crisis we face. She founded a charity that seeks to stop the school to prison pipeline that young people face in inner cities.

Thirza’s passion lies in social justice. This has fueled a lifetime of activism, from representing members as a trade union officer in the railway industry for over 20 years to becoming active in mainstream politics, chairing local women committees and most recently campaigning in local elections.

Thirza stood for us in Manchester Rusholme in July’s general election and came second with a fantastic 23.5% of the vote!

Winning on 5th September would bring the Green Party back up to four seats on Manchester City Council, making us the joint main opposition party once again.

If you’d like to get involved in the campaign and find out about upcoming action days, please get in touch by emailing

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Manchester Greens celebrate best-ever general election result Mon, 08 Jul 2024 16:42:03 +0000 Manchester Green Party will head into the summer with a spring in its step after it enjoyed fantastic results in last Thursday’s general election.

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Manchester Green Party will head into the summer with a spring in its step after it enjoyed fantastic results in last Thursday’s general election.

On a night which saw four Green MPs elected to parliament, the Green Party of England and Wales received over 30,000 votes in Manchester, retaining its deposits in all six of the city’s constituencies and finishing second in three constituencies.

The overall result was the Green Party’s best-ever result in a general election, and the best-ever general election result in Manchester Green Party’s history.

The full summary of how Greens did in Manchester is as follows:

Blackley and Middleton South: Dylan Lewis-Creser, 3,197, 10.2% (+8.2%)

Gorton and Denton: Amanda Gardner, 4,810, 13.2% (+10.7%)

Manchester Central: Ekua Bayunu, 6,387, 16.1% (+13.2%)

Manchester Rusholme: Thirza Asanga-Rae, 6,819, 23.5% (+19.2%)

Manchester Withington: Sam Easterby-Smith, 8,084, 19.4% (+15.4%)

Wythenshawe and Sale East: Melanie Earp, 4,133, 10.6% (+7.1%)

After a much-deserved summer break, Manchester Greens will begin preparing for the next set of local elections, where they hope to add to their three seats on Manchester City Council.

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Manchester Green Party announces candidates for 2024 general election Tue, 11 Jun 2024 21:19:31 +0000 The Green Party has announced its candidates for the six Manchester constituencies at the upcoming general Election on Thursday 4th July.

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The Green Party has announced its candidates for the six Manchester constituencies at the upcoming general election on Thursday 4th July.

The six candidates selected by Manchester Green Party members are:

  • Blackley and Middleton South – Dylan Lewis-Creser
  • Gorton and Denton – Amanda Gardner
  • Manchester Central – Ekua Bayunu
  • Manchester Withington – Sam Easterby-Smith
  • Manchester Rusholme – Thirza Asanga-Rae
  • Wythenshawe and Sale East – Melanie Earp

Scott Robinson, Chair of Manchester Green Party, said, “In recent years, more and more people have realised that far from being just about the environment, the Green Party stands for a way of doing politics totally differently and for pragmatic, proven policies that can transform our country.

“It’s clear for everyone to see that our country is in a total mess: politics as usual hasn’t worked. We need a new approach. That’s why the Green Party has grown so rapidly – we’ve seen a surge in Green Party politicians elected at all levels over the last couple of years, and we can see the same at this general election.

“Only the Green Party has a credible plan to sort out all of the major problems we face. Tackling the cost of living crisis also means rapid action to tackle the climate emergency, and both of these things connect to building a much fairer Britain.

“If you agree with us that the time has come for a genuinely different approach that will get Britain back on its feet after the turmoil of recent years, please vote Green on 4th July for real hope and real change.”

Our key policy areas

Climate and Nature
We will defend nature and urgently tackle the climate emergency, with an understanding that protecting our planet will also lead to better lives for all our citizens.

Affordable homes for everyone, in the right place and protection for renters through rent controls and an end to no-fault evictions.

We have consistently called for a ceasefire and the release of all hostages since the beginning of the current conflict between Israel and Palestine, and will continue to do so as parliamentarians.

Standard of Living
We support common-sense steps like increasing Universal Credit by £40 a week and bringing up the minimum wage to £15 an hour for everyone over 16.

Push for proper funding to bring down waiting times and ensure everybody can see a GP & dentist.

Water Quality
We will protect our seas and rivers from sewage dumping by bringing water companies back into public hands.

Our candidates

Dylan Lewis-Creser (Blackley and Middleton South)

I am standing in Blackley & Middleton South because we deserve politicians who will stand up for people and planet over profit, and who will represent their communities faithfully in Parliament.

As a Green Party MP, I would be free to stand up and vote with my conscience and in line with your views, rather than having my vote decided for me by party leadership. With a vote for me, you get a vote for principled politics, supporting social justice and fighting for a fairer Britain.

We deserve better from our politics, and I am determined to offer that in Blackley & Middleton South. On the 4th July, vote for principles – vote Green.

Amanda Gardner (Gorton and Denton)

Amanda was born and raised in Denton, now living in Levenshulme within the Denton & Gorton constituency. Working in the Health and Safety sector with a focus on residential fire safety, she is an advocate for tighter regulations for landlords – namely energy improvements to living standards and energy efficiency.

Amanda is a keen gardener such is her moniker, and as a former chef loves to cook and bake for her friends and family. Amanda wants a focus on well-connected travel links around the constituency that benefit everyone who lives there, either by taking cars off the road to relieve congestion with fully functioning and accessible railway lines and bus corridors, or promoting safe walking and cycling routes for those who are able.

If elected, Amanda would strive to tackle the inequality felt by the residents of Denton and Gorton across the constituency, advocating for cleaner streets, support with the cost of living, and a focus on fairer housing.

Ekua Bayunu (Manchester Central)

I served on Manchester City Council for 3 years as a Manchester Central councillor and Deputy Leader of the Green Group of councillors.

I can now focus this experience on serving the wider communities of Manchester Central. I will be proud to be your advocate in Westminster and because the Green Party knows that there is no climate justice without social justice, I can make pledges that help both people and planet.

I am a 62yr old woman of mixed Nigerian and Irish heritage, born and raised in England, who has lived and worked across Manchester for the last 31 years. I am Muslim, Christian, queer and socialist.

I moved to Central Manchester with 2 young children, who went on to study at Salford and Manchester Metropolitan Universities and now have children of their own. As a grandparent I believe its our duty to consider the needs of future generations and it’s this foundation of responsibility that led me to joining the Green Party.

I chair and am a founding member of Global Arts Manchester, an arts organisation which promotes systemic and structural change through the arts. I am also a practising artist in my own right.

I am a passionate housing activist, long term member of the Moss Side branch of Greater Manchester Tenants Union and I also chair the Union’s anti-racism committee helping ensure the union serves all its membership and also supports our engagement in the wider community of active antiracist work being done across the city region.

Thirza Asanga-Rae (Manchester Rusholme)

Thirza Amina Asanga-Rae is a Nigeria born UK national and a parent governor at a local primary school where she also set up the PTA. As a housing community organiser with GMTU, she has seen first hand the housing crisis we face. She founded a charity that seeks to stop the school to prison pipeline that young people face in inner cities.

Thirza’s passion lies in social justice. This has fueled a lifetime of activism, from representing members as a trade union officer in the railway industry for over 20 years to becoming active in mainstream politics, chairing local women committees and most recently campaigning in local elections. She has lived in Moss Side since early childhood and understands the needs of Manchester Rusholme.

Sam Easterby-Smith (Manchester Withington)

Sam is our candidate for Manchester Withington, also covering Ladybarn, Old Moat, Chorlton and Didsbury. Sam has lived in Withington itself for over 10 years and is extremely proud to be standing up for our community in the General Election.

Sam is particularly focussed on walking, cycling and public transport. Ensuring that our streets are safe and livable for people. He is a firm advocate for building sustainable transport infrastructure from cycleways to railways, to achieve our long term climate and mobility goals. He’s not one to shy away from controversial topics, and was a strong advocate for the Withington Low Traffic Neighbourhood scheme.

Sam also supports the preservation and creation of green spaces. He campaigns locally to improve access to parks and nature.

Professionally, Sam is a software engineer and has a deep understanding of the tech industry. He is working with the Green Party on our Digital Bill of Rights: to ensure fairness, equality, privacy and safety from the digital services and devices that we all rely on.

Melanie Earp (Wythenshawe and Sale East)

Mel has experience of being a parliamentary candidate, having run in Manchester Central against Lucy Powell in 2019. She has also been a candidate in Hulme in local elections.

Mel is best known for being the Green Party candidate for Greater Manchester Mayor in 2021, standing against Andy Burnham. In that election she attended 27 hustings and numerous radio, TV and newspaper interviews setting out the Green vision for our city region.

Elsewhere in the Green Party, Mel is the Co-Chair of Green Party Regional Council and a member of Standing Orders Committee.

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Manchester Greens celebrate positive local election results after defending seat Fri, 03 May 2024 15:00:00 +0000 Manchester Greens are celebrating a positive set of results in Thursday’s local elections after successfully defending a seat.

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Manchester Greens are celebrating a positive set of results in Thursday’s local elections after successfully defending a seat. The party now has three councillors representing the party in Manchester Town Hall.

Cllr Rob Nunney was re-elected in the Wythenshawe ward of Woodhouse Park, making it four wins in a row for the Greens in the ward and maintaining the ward’s full slate of three Green councillors.

Scott Robinson came close to becoming the Green Party’s first councillor in Piccadilly, while the party also achieved strong second-place results in wards like Deansgate.

There was one sad result for the Greens, however, as Cllr Ekua Bayunu’s seat in Hulme returned to Labour after she served two years as a Green councillor. She joined the Greens in 2022 after she was elected as a Labour councillor in 2021.

Although Manchester Greens didn’t gain a seat this year, the local elections proved promising overall for the party, as it remained Manchester’s most popular opposition party.

A full slate of 33 Green candidates stood across Manchester’s 32 wards, with the party winning a record 17.9% of the vote and finishing second place in 14 wards across the city.

Cllr Astrid Johnson, Leader of the Green Party on Manchester City Council, said: “Overall, these results give us plenty of optimism. They show that people here in Manchester have put their trust in the Green Party – they know we do politics differently and put local people and our environment first.

“Congratulations to my colleague Rob on his re-election – he will continue to give his all to address the issues that matter most to residents.

“Thank you to every voter and campaigner who helped get Greens elected here. Our councillors will continue to work tirelessly for a fairer, greener Manchester.”


Notes to editors: 

The Green Party are the second largest opposition party on Manchester City Council with three councillors. The Green group leader is Cllr Astrid Johnson.

Manchester is one of five Greater Manchester boroughs with Green representation. In addition to councillors in Manchester, the Greens have active councillors in Bolton, Stockport, Tameside, and Trafford.

The Green Party now has over 800 councillors across England and Wales, two members of the House of Lords, three London Assembly members and one Member of Parliament. 

For more information or to arrange an interview, please contact Chris Ogden at

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