About Us

Manchester Green Party is a local branch of the Green Party of England and Wales and works in the Manchester City Council area.

We are a constituent part of the Green Party in accordance with our local party constitution, which is available to read on the Green Party members’ website. Read our constitution (members only, log-in required)

We actively promote social and environmental justice in the Manchester area by standing for political office and by working all year round on behalf of its communities and residents.

Manchester Green Party is committed to creating a cleaner, healthier, more fair and equal city for everyone.

Our Committee

Manchester Green Party’s Executive Committee is elected annually every November at our Annual General Meeting.

The Committee are responsible for ensuring that actions, strategies and policies voted for by our members are enacted and moved forward.

Our current Committee, as of August 2024, is:Chair
Scott Robinson
Kate Benson and Anastasia Wiest
Skye Dundas
finances@manchester.greenparty.org.ukMembership Officer
Ekua Bayunu
membership@manchester.greenparty.org.ukVolunteer Coordinator
Thirza Asanga-Rae
coordinator@manchester.greenparty.org.ukElections Officer
Jake Welsh
elections@manchester.greenparty.org.ukCommunications Coordinator
Chris Ogden
press@manchester.greenparty.org.ukFundraising Officer
Ekua Bayunu Campaigns Coordinator
Vacant Policy and Scrutiny Coordinator
Stanley Parker and Fesl Resa-Khan Young Greens Officer
George Morris

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