Manchester City Council urged to release details of COVID-19 popup cycle lanes

By Press Officer | 2nd July 2020

Manchester City Council is being asked to provide clarity after it received £600,000 to improve walking and cycling in the Coronavirus pandemic but has yet to spend any of the money on cycle routes in the city. […]

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Manchester Green Party supports Deansgate part-pedestrianisation

By Press Officer | 11th May 2020

Manchester Green Party has declared its support for Manchester City Council’s plans to temporarily close part of Deansgate to cars to help the city recover from COVID-19. […]

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Manchester Green Party respond to the postponement of the 2020 local elections

By | 23rd March 2020

Green Party candidates and activists across Manchester have expressed their disappointment at the postponement of the 2020 local elections. […]

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Manchester Green Party enjoys second best ever general election result

By | 19th December 2019

Manchester Green Party will enter the festive period with optimism after it enjoyed positive results in last Thursday’s general election. […]

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Manchester Green Party adopts motion affirming its support for trans and non-binary rights

By | 28th November 2019

At its 2019 AGM on the 23rd of November – just after the Trans Day of Rememberance and Trans Awareness Week – Manchester Green Party has adopted a motion re-affirming support for, and solidarity with, its trans and non-binary members, activists and the trans and non-binary people it seeks to represent. […]

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Manchester Green Party supports students occupying university over fossil fuel investment

By Press Officer | 25th November 2019

Manchester Green Party is sending its support to students occupying The University of Manchester and have joined calls to stop its £11.9m investment in fossil fuels. […]

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Green Party ready to stand right across Manchester at upcoming General Election

By Press Officer | 4th November 2019

Manchester Green Party have announced the candidates representing all five constituencies across the city of Manchester as it plans to lead the fight against climate chaos and give the public a final say on Brexit in the upcoming General Election. […]

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North West Green MEP launches ‘radical transformation’ Green New Deal

By Press Officer | 29th October 2019

Today in Manchester, Gina Dowding MEP, launched a brand-new report – The Green New Deal in the North West – which presents a framework of how we can fundamentally transform society in the face of the current climate emergency. […]

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Gina Dowding MEP speaks at Yes to Europe Event, hosted by Manchester Green Party

By | 20th August 2019

Over a hundred people came to the Friends Meeting House, Manchester on Wednesday 13 August to discuss the latest on Brexit from a panel of four experts working close up to the issues, both at home and in Europe. […]

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Greens celebrate first ever North West MEP in European elections

By | 27th May 2019

Manchester Green Party celebrated a spectacular election result last night after the North West of England elected its first ever Green member of the European Parliament. […]

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Manchester Green Party is a local branch of the Green Party of England and Wales and works in the Manchester Council area.

We actively promote social and environmental justice in the Manchester area by standing for political office and by working all year round on behalf of its communities and residents. Manchester Green Party is committed to creating a cleaner, healthier, more fair and equal city for everyone.

For more information on our local campaigns or to find out how to get involved and make a real difference for Manchester, please contact us.