General Election 2024

A Fairer, Greener Manchester. Manchester Green Party Manifesto 2023

Manchester Green Party calls for £1 bus fares as it launches 2023 local election campaign

By Chris Ogden | 5th April 2023

Manchester Green Party will stand a full slate of 33 candidates across Manchester in the local elections on Thursday 4 May. […]

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Green Party becomes official Manchester City Council opposition as Labour councillor joins the Greens

By Press Officer | 1st July 2022

The Green Party has announced it will become the official opposition on Manchester City Council after welcoming a former Labour Councillor who has joined the Greens. […]

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Astrid Johnson and Rob Nunney

Greens win second councillor in Woodhouse Park

By Press Officer | 6th May 2022

The Green Party have secured a new Councillor following the results of the Manchester City Council local elections. Astrid Johnson received 1,345 votes gaining the seat in Woodhouse Park from Labour who received 1,150 votes. Johnson will join Cllr Rob Nunney, who was last year elected as the Green Party’s first Councillor in Manchester since […]

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Manchester Green Party announces candidates for 2022 local elections

By Chris Ogden | 6th April 2022

Manchester Green Party has announced its candidates standing across Manchester for the local elections on Thursday 5 May. […]

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Green Peer Natalie Bennett visits Manchester Green Party

By Press Officer | 4th December 2021

Natalie Bennett, Member of the House of Lords for the Green Party, visited Manchester’s AGM and spoke to members about COP26. […]

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Rob Nunney discusses his experiences as a Councillor with Manchester Confidentials

By Press Officer | 3rd September 2021

Councillor Rob Nunney, the Green Party’s councillor in Woodhouse Park, has discussed his first 100 days as a councillor with a journalist from Manchester Confidentials. […]

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‘Historic moment’ as Green Party win first seat on Manchester City council since 2008

By Press Officer | 17th May 2021

The Green Party has secured its first seat on Manchester City Council in 13 years, after unseating a long-standing Labour incumbent in the local elections on 6 May. […]

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Manchester Green Party announces full slate of candidates for 2021 local elections

By Press Officer | 20th April 2021

Manchester Green Party has announced its candidates standing across Manchester ahead of the local elections on 6 May as it will be contesting every available seat. […]

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Manchester City Council urged to release details of COVID-19 popup cycle lanes

By Press Officer | 2nd July 2020

Manchester City Council is being asked to provide clarity after it received £600,000 to improve walking and cycling in the Coronavirus pandemic but has yet to spend any of the money on cycle routes in the city. […]

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Manchester Green Party supports Deansgate part-pedestrianisation

By Press Officer | 11th May 2020

Manchester Green Party has declared its support for Manchester City Council’s plans to temporarily close part of Deansgate to cars to help the city recover from COVID-19. […]

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Manchester Green Party is a local branch of the Green Party of England and Wales and works in the Manchester Council area.

We actively promote social and environmental justice in the Manchester area by standing for political office and by working all year round on behalf of its communities and residents. Manchester Green Party is committed to creating a cleaner, healthier, more fair and equal city for everyone.

For more information on our local campaigns or to find out how to get involved and make a real difference for Manchester, please contact us.